Friday, September 26, 2008

Thing 15 - How to Use Podcasts In School

As I said in thing 14 we have Discovery Education Streaming in our district. I did not use it much and I've heard that other teachers did not use it much either. We were encouraged to use it by our tech people but I'm thinking not many did. I know, for myself, I didn't because something always went wrong when I tried to use it. Either I could not find anything on the subject I the grade level I wanted, or it would not download onto my computer or my computer would freeze. It was often frustrating.

I also think time is a factor. It seemed like I'd search forever and not find anything that I wanted. I did not know how to search for podcasts and did not realize there were places like podcast alley to make searching easier. I will need to make a collection of podcasts for the future.

I did like the podcast that Fran has posted on her blog from I know that my students will very much like to listen to those stories because they love books on tape/cd. I guess they're becoming obsolete. I don't know how much my students will like listening without having a book to look at while listening.

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