Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thing 13 - Sharing Your Vision

I decided to try Zoho Show. It was quite easy to build a slide show. I liked that you could choose a variety of backgrounds, fonts and sizes. All were easy to select. What frustrated me was the inability to post a picture in my show. It was also frustrating to find that Clip Art selections were very limited.

Since I couldn't insert a picture, I visited the help button. It was not much help. The explanation was rather vague I thought. At any rate I did everything it asked and the download failed, time and time again. So I'm guessing I didn't do it right.....

I did make a slide show stating my frustrations with Zoho Shoe here :
It's not pretty but it's mine.

1 comment:

ldtchr said...

I found the same frustration with Zoho Show. Have you found anything else that works well but can be accessed online? I keep thinking that for my students (all are kiddos with LD)some of this global access is vital for written expression, organization, etc.....