Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thing 14 - Learning About Podcasts

I was already familiar with podcasting because our school subscribes to Discovery Education Streaming. It can be found @ . Discovery Education streaming is a digital video-on-demand and online teaching service to help improve students' retention and test scores; it is aligned to U.S. state and provincial standards. I have used several of their video's in my classroom. They have about anything that you could want. I also have used their vidoe's during indoor recess because they have picture books on line and several children in my class would prefer to hear the book instead of free choice.

I also listened to an LD Podcast I found on PodcastAlley. It is a podcast for parents by parents of kids with learning disabilities. They talk about subjects ranging from reading, ADHD, dyslexia, labelling, the laws that govern special education, dealing with parental stress and more. I liked this site because I am always having parents ask me for info or where can they look for others who are having similar difficulties with their children and now I can send them here.

I really enjoyed the Vocab Minute from the Princeton Review. I sent that link on to my niece since she will be taking the ACTs later this year and may need to brush up on her vocabulary. I know my kids learn subjects more easily when I put it to song. I once taught a child his phone number to the Spartan Fight Song! It's perfect for phone numbers. At parent teacher conferences I discovered that the parents were Michigan fans.

1 comment:

wsh1266 said...

Thanks so much for talking about the LD Podcast- I am glad you are enjoying the show! Let me know if there's something particular you want me to discuss- always looking for new topics and people to interview!

Whitney Hoffman
LD Podcast