Friday, October 3, 2008

Thing 22 On Line Video

You Tube
I like You Tube and I dislike You Tube.
I have a favorite You Tube:
it's called the mom song. It cracks me up every time I hear it. So I guess I use You Tube for entertainment. I have never searched it for any thing of substance. I figure since I can't use it at school I should spend my time looking elsewhere.

I really liked TeacherTube. I found a lot of video's that my class could relate to. My class really learns well when the topic is applied to music. I found several topic applied to music, like the states and their capitals, the water cycle, some math raps, 9's multiplications facts. I'm sure there are more. I will use these in my class if they're not blocked. I'll have to find out. The draw back is that they take a long tim to download. You could not do this on the spur of the moment...

You Tube is blocked in my school district.

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