Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thing 7 Learn about RSS and set up a feed reader

Well, Imagine that! I did it. I continue to be amazed at what I can do. Of course the big question is can I do this next week, next month or next year?

When I first went to Wikipedia and read about RSS I thought oh no I'm in serious trouble. I could not makes heads or tails of what they were talking I decided to do the kid approach and just jump into the assignment and see if doing it would help me to understand the assignment better and it did.

I ended up signing up for 10 feeds. Are they all considered news? I mean Woot? Technically that's not news....well, it may be to some I guess....but I think of it more as a store. My kids love Woot so I thought I'd just start there. It was easy.

I stumbled upon the site Weblogg- ed by Will Richardson and recalled that he was a guest speaker at a conference that our district held for us last November, so I added him. You can view him @ He's a pretty interesting speaker, although I didn't necessarily agree with everything he had to say.

I also added Curtis Granderson's Blog. Although he's not my #1 Tiger, he is second and I find him to be a great read. You can find him here:

I'm not sure how I'll use this in my classroom but I think that when I show my husband how to use this with his favorite pages he'll be a happy man.

1 comment:

Ron Houtman said...

Just an idea of how I use RSS feeds in my class. I set up a set of feeds that I thought would help my kids go a bit deeper into our work, and shared the links with them.

Since we have a LMS (Blackboard) - they could incorporate the feeds into their Blackboard course. They could then see the posts as they appeared and I found that we were having a much deeper and rich conversation about our topics than we had before we did the feeds.