Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thing 12 Productivity Anywhere You Have a Browser

I checked out 30 Boxes It's your life. I liked this online calendar. It was very easy to use. It threw me a bit when I diligently typed in all my families birthdays and then scrolled back to August 1st and nothing was there. It does not back date. If you've already lived that date it will next appear in August of 2009. I did have a little difficulty deleating an item. Some of the things did deleat and one did not. I will have to play around with it a bit and see what I'm doing wrong. It only has 3 choices of background colors...not a lot in my opinion and none of them that was a dissapointment.

You can share your calendar with family or friends which I really liked. I could make a birthday calendar and send it out to my father-in-law so he will be able to send out cards to the family on time. I might do with with all my family. We could update the birthday years that we don't all have as well as other important family events such as anniversaries or holiday parties.

I thought it would be great to put all of the school activities on the calendar so no matter where you are you can access the calendar and see when you need to be where. This would be especially helpful with all the IEP's I need to do during the school year. The calendar will automatically email you one day in advance of the event so that you are always in the know.

1 comment:

ldtchr said...

A birthday calendar for family - what a great idea!!