Monday, September 1, 2008

Thing 9 Wiki

I was very interested in Wiki's and was hoping to find more about use with special education students in elementary schools.

On cool cat teacher blog I found a link called How wikis, podcasts, and laptops help students with learning disabilities which caught my attention. I learned about a Microsoft program called Microsoft One Note I will need to explore. The blog said that students love this because it allows them to type everything here and then export it to word. Of course this isn't a Wiki but I got there from a Wiki link...but when I tried to go back to that link I wasn't able to.

I also explored TeachersFirst: Wiki walk-Through I saw the suggestion to make a Wiki on Thanksgiving Traditions and thought that we could make a Wiki about the Pilgrims to show to our parents and other special guests at our Thanksgiving feast this November. All I have to do in convince the other special ed teachers and the computer tech to let us do this. I think it could be fun.

I also visited I love this Wiki. I found it on the PBWiki site. I'm thinking PB stands for peanut butter. Anyway Books for Children is a listing of children's books. Thus far it is not very long but you can see the potential for it to bloom. I like that children could be writing reviews of books that they have read although it dosn't exactly invite children to do that. Currently it appears that only college profs have written reviews but who knows?

I confess that I really have no idea how to make a Wiki and will need to go onto the site and physically do this to learn how to do this but I think I'm up for the challenge

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